Search Results
Louisiana Highlights: worship, message, miracles, prophecy, cancer, deafness
TEXAS highlights MIRACLES, deliverance, JOY, prophecy, WORSHIP, Message
California highlights: JOY, MIRACLES, PROPHECY, stroke, knee reconstruction, deafness, cysts.
Doctor said, BREAST CANCER IS GONE! the day after prayer
Sacramento Highlights: bone cancer, blindness, broken knee, cutting, addiction, demonic poisons
Highlights Phoenix, Kansas City & Visilia CA Message, worship, joy, healing, prophecy, deliverance
Pastor Dies Shortly After Preaching These Words
N.C. USA Highlights cystic fibrosis deliverance, blindness, car accident victim, insomnia, no cane.
Kathryn Kuhlman: "The Greatest Miracle in The World"---37 Year Old Woman Receives Deliverances
OHIO MIRACLES: CONSTIPATED 13 YEARS, brain tumour, deafness, woman leaves her walker...
MASSIVE MIRACLE: Needed new LIVER, housebound with fear, colonitis, deafness, back pain
Prince William's mistress secretly gave birth to a baby! 😱 #shorts